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Could you put the kettle on for St Cuthbert's Hospice?

St Cuthbert’s Hospice is looking for individuals to cause a stir and hold their own Coffee Morning. Big or small, for friends and family or open to all… the choice is yours.

Coffee Mornings hosted by members of the public have raised over £20,000 for St Cuthbert’s Hospice in the past 5 years. If you’d care for a coffee and wish to pour the kettle for the hospice, we’d love to hear from you.


Click on the button below to claim your FREE Coffee Morning Kit filled with everything you need to host a brilliant get together.

Resister your Interest

If you are unable to hold a get tea-gether in person, why not consider a virtual event? It’s still a great way to raise funds for the Hospice and connect with your friends and family! We’ve lots of ideas to help your virtual fundraising!

Here are a few ideas to add a sprinkle of sweetness to your virtual Get Tea-gether.

Virtual Elevenses

Host a virtual 11am coffee break with your work colleagues on Zoom or Skype! Everyone can pop the kettle on at the same time and enjoy a break together, each donating £1 to the Hospice… it all adds up!

Donate the cost of your cuppa

Many of us are no longer commuting into the office and splurging on our usual commuter coffee. So, why not donate the cost of your cuppa to the Hospice instead?

Host a Virtual Bake Off

Everyone pays a few pounds to enter their bake off cake. Set up a Whatsapp group or poll on Facebook to submit your entries and vote for your favourite!

Host a quiz

A cake themed quiz could get your guests thinking! Ask them to donate to take part. We have a tea-rrific quiz template available to get you started.

Contact us

For more information, contact the Fundraising Team on 0191 386 1170 ext. 5 or email

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