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At St Cuthbert's Hospice key measures remain in place so that we can continue to protect vulnerable patients, visitors, staff and people in our community from coronavirus (COVID 19). The hospice building and on-site cafe are not open as usual and we are continuing to reduce some of the services that we offer. Full details of these changes can be found below.

Our aim is to be sure that we can continue to provide compassionate wellbeing, pain management and end of life care to those who need us, and continue to support people with life-limiting illnesses and families who are bereaved.

Visiting The In-Patient Unit

We understand that this continues to be a worrying time for many and want to assure you that we are doing all we can to minimise the risk to our patients, staff and volunteers. Our care teams continue to wear full personal protective equipment (PPE), non-clinical staff numbers have been reduced and any who are at the Hospice are wearing IIR masks and continue to social distance. A robust testing system is in place for all staff and volunteers. If you have any concerns around coronavirus relating to infection control or visiting arrangements for the In-Patient Unit, we are happy to speak to you regarding this. Please contact the In-Patient Unit team on 0191 386 1170 option 1.

Our current visiting arrangements are under regular review. For the most up to date information please call before coming to the Hospice as some restrictions to the number of visitors may still be in place. Telephone: 0191 386 1170 option 1. This line is available 24 hrs a day.

All visitors will be asked to wear a face covering and must wash their hands at the handwashing sink upon entering a patient bedroom and must wash their hands again before leaving. If you have your own face covering we encourage you to wear this so where possible Hospice resources are not further strained, however, if you do not have a face mask one will be provided.

Altering our visiting arrangements has been an incredibly tough decision for us to make, but one which is unfortunately necessary to keep everyone safe. We understand that this will be a distressing time for both those who we are caring for and their families. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to help at this time.

We have produced a booklet ‘How to stay connected when you can’t visit a loved one’ to help support you to feel close when apart.

If your loved one is very much approaching the end of life arrangements will be discussed on an individual basis during these understandably upsetting circumstances. Visiting times can be arranged with the In-Patient Team. You can contact the Ward Sister at any time to discuss this further on 0191 386 1170 option 1.

Services Update

The Living Well Centre is now welcoming back small numbers of guests. Sessions are adapted to allow for social distancing and to ensure the safety of all guests and staff. Guests are required to complete lateral flow tests before attending sessions. Please contact the Living Well Centre on 0191 386 1170 option 2 if you need to speak with anyone in relation to these changes.
Our Dementia and Namaste Care Team continue to provide support to all who need us at this time. Please contact the switchboard on 0191 386 1170 if you need to speak with the team. The national Admiral Nurse (Dementia) helpline can be contacted on 0800 888 6678.
Bereavement Support services continue, with staff contacting guests to arrange suitable appointments. Please contact the switchboard on 0191 386 1170 if you need to speak with the team.

To further protect our patients and vulnerable visitors our Hospice café remains CLOSED until further notice. This area is currently being used as a safe space for our care teams to take breaks or enjoy their lunch.

Charity Shops Update

We have made the decision to continue to encourage mask-wearing, the use of sanitiser and social distancing in our stores. All staff and volunteers will continue to wear masks, unless exempt, and they are completing regular testing. Stores may need to restrict numbers of customers or close for short periods should they feel they need to. Please check the Retail web pages for information on opening times and donation times as some stores continue to restrict donations to certain times.

Our Fundraising Events Update

Please check our individual Events Pages for the latest information, or to find out more about our ‘help at home’ and virtual fundraising activities. If you need to contact the team relating to an event please call 0191 386 1170 ext.5 or email

Frequently asked questions

Can I still visit St Cuthbert’s Hospice building or gardens?

Hospice Reception and our cafe are currently closed. Should you need to visit please contact us on 0191 386 1170 ext 5 to discuss this or email us at

We understand the importance of remembering loved ones and our In Memory Garden is open for anyone who would like to visit for a moment of reflection. Please take extra care should there be other visitors and ensure that you maintain a safe distance.

Can I make a donation to the Hospice?

We are incredibly grateful to people who may like to make a donation to the Hospice at this time. Below are some options for how to do this:

  1. Click here to donate online. Please include a short note on the online form to let us know the reason for your kind donation.
  2. Send a cheque in the post including a short note to say who you are and the reason for the donation. Cheques should be made out to ‘St Cuthbert’s Hospice’. Please do not send cash in the post.
  3. Telephone the Hospice to pay via credit / debit card. Please call us Monday-Friday 9am-5pm on 0191 374 6166. 
Please note that there may be a delay in us sending out a letter of thanks for your very kind donations. Please accept our apologies at this time. It is important to us to be able to thank you for your support. If you need to chat to our Fundraising Team at all please call 0191 386 1170 ext. 5 or email

Last Updated: 22/07/2021 14:00pm