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Have fun trying some ‘at home’ fundraising for St Cuthbert’s Hospice! It is thanks to the local community that the Hospice was founded, and it is that same support that sustains it today.

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“With every step we take on the ward, we know we are making a huge difference to the patients we care for. Thank you for making every step count.”

Whilst some of the fundraising activities you might usually have taken part in have been put on pause, we have lots of great ideas of how you can help fundraise for St Cuthbert’s Hospice from the comfort of your own home.

Your support is so important to us and will help us to continue to provide free care and support to people with life-limiting illnesses, people approaching the end of life and people that are bereaved.

We are determined that nothing will prevent families in our care from creating special memories and focusing on precious times, for however long they can.

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