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In 2020 the world turned upside down and you helped us to survive. This autumn can you help us raise the £80,000 we need to Keep on Caring?

Donate to our Keep On Caring Appeal

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Last year we were truly overwhelmed by the support of people in our community who fundraised and donated to see us through the hardest time in our hospice history. Your support helped us to weather the storm. Whilst the storm is now hopefully heading out of sight, its effects are still very much felt and are likely to be felt for years to come.

Many people have been putting off visiting the doctor during the pandemic, this means that potentially serious symptoms have been going unchecked and sadly it is clear that our care will be needed more than ever.

Cautiously we’ve been putting a few things on hold too. But they really can’t wait any longer so we are reaching out once again and asking for your help. We have a number of items which we need to purchase to make sure we can continue to provide the very best care for our patients and guests.

A comfy bed, with freshly laundered linen is a simple pleasure that we provide to all who stay with us on the In-Patient Unit. Our beds are often described as being more like those found in a hotel than a hospice, and we want to keep it that way. We need to purchase new beds, mattresses and mattress toppers as well as a new high-grade washing machine and tumble dryer. Can you help us to Keep on Caring?

Being able to ease symptoms such as breathlessness, nausea, and pain is a vital part of the care we provide at The Living Well Centre. Our therapy rooms and the therapies we provide are often described as like being at a spa. We need to purchase new therapy beds. Can you help us to Keep on Caring?

A nutritious meal prepared specifically for each patient at the Hospice with fresh ingredients, some from our own allotment and greenhouse, is all part of the individualised care we provide. Many patients have described our menu choice and quality of the meals like being at a restaurant, and we want to keep it that way. Repairs to our greenhouse and a new kitchen floor are needed. Can you help us to Keep on Caring?

Your donations and fundraising could help us to buy the items that we need. Or if you would like to directly purchase some smaller items that we require please visit our Amazon Wish List.