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Remembering a loved one is very special and personal. When someone close to us dies, sometimes families and friends like to pay tribute to their life or to raise funds in their memory to support the Hospice.

However you choose to remember a loved one with St Cuthbert’s Hospice, our teams are here to help you. Whether you want to do this on your own, with a small group of family or friends, or with everyone who was touched by your loved one’s life – there are lots of special and meaningful ways you can remember them and honour their memory. It can be comforting to know during these difficult times that your donations are making a huge difference to the patients we continue to care for and their families, now and in the future.

Many families choose to collect donations in memory at a loved one’s funeral or celebration of life as a special way of remembering them. We can provide you with our charity envelopes, each printed with clear instructions, which can be passed on to anyone who would like to donate. Collection envelopes can be used before or after the service, and can also be shared with people who may not be able to attend or in lieu of flowers. We also have small collection boxes for you to use if you would like to collect loose change or notes. To request these items or chat to us about remembering a loved one please email us at or call 0191 386 1170 option 5.

Ways to remember a loved one

It’s important for you to know that grief affects everyone in different ways, and it’s normal to experience any range of emotions following the loss of a loved one. If you’re going through a difficult time you may find information on our free Bereavement Service helpful. This service is free and confidential and can be accessed via a referral from any health professional or by contacting us directly. Children and Young People who have experienced loss are also supported by our experienced counsellors. This service is open to referrals from the whole of County Durham and is available to any child affected by grief or anticipatory grief relating to family, relatives and friends. This may be because of a life-limiting illness or an unexpected or sudden death.