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St Cuthbert’s Hospice is proud to work with a number of small and large businesses and organisations across the region.

Their support is paramount in helping us to raise the £2.3 million we need each year to continue caring for all who need us.

There are a number ways your organisation can get involved, and cement your link with our much loved local charity.


Download Workplace Brochure


Below is a list of just a few of the ways in which your staff can support St Cuthbert’s:

Charity of the Year

Why not nominate St Cuthbert’s Hospice as the charity benefiting from all your staff fundraising for an entire year? This could involve all or some of the fundraising ideas outlined in our workplace brochure. Can’t commit to a whole year? Then why not have a charity day, week or month?

88 Club Membership

The 88 Club is an exclusive membership option available to local businesses. As a member of The 88 Club you will give an annual donation of £88 and in return, will receive a range of fantastic benefits to thank you for your support.

Event Participation

Buy a table at one of the Hospice’s social events and bring staff and/or clients along. Not only will you be able to relax and enjoy yourselves, this is a great way to mix informally, network with others and raise funds for St Cuthbert’s Hospice. You could also enter a team into one of our challenge events –great fun and fantastic for team building.

Event Sponsorship

By sponsoring an event, you get your company logo displayed on the associated marketing and promotional materials. Sponsorship is a huge help to the Hospice as it helps to fund the running costs of an event which in turn increases profitability.

Event Organisation

If you’d like to organise your own fundraising activity we can provide you with all the help and advice you need. You could do anything from holding a conference room quiz or a dress down day, or nominating a team member to bathe in beans!

Cash Donations

Cash donations are always welcome and could be tax deductible for your business. You could help us purchase an essential piece of medical equipment, or support one of our important services.

Non-Cash Donations

Donating a product or service to St Cuthbert’s will save us valuable funds. A donation can be anything ranging from raffle and tombola prizes to specialist services.

Payroll Giving

An easy and cost effective way in which individuals can donate on a monthly basis by giving a set amount of their salary to St Cuthbert’s Hospice. Why not introduce the idea of regular monthly giving to your staff? Just a few pound a month can make a huge difference to the people of North Durham who are coping with the effects of life-limiting illnesses.

Win Win Lottery Syndicates

Setting up a syndicate is easy. Just head to our Win Win Lottery pages to find out more and you could soon be a lucky winner of a week day prize of £100 or our monthly draw which can reach an incredible £25,000!

Collection Boxes

You’ll no doubt be pleasantly surprised at how quickly coins add up and how much your community of caring customers can raise. Ideal for your reception area, a staff canteen or any customer facing areas.


The Hospice relies heavily on the wonderful support of our volunteers. Chat to us about opportunities for team volunteering.