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St Cuthbert’s Hospice has become the first such establishment in Britain to be rated “Outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission.

Inspectors, who carried out an unannounced visit last August have now published  the results of their report on the CQC web site.

Out of some 430 health care establishments inspections listed on the CQC website, only six health establishments have been deemed “Outstanding”. No other hospice for adults has achieved the status.

Paul Marriott, Chief Executive Officer at the hospice, said: “The CQC inspects all care services, including hospices, and we have always passed our inspections with flying colours.

“However, from last year, the CQC has been grading services on a new four-point scale from Outstanding to Inadequate. We are very proud of our ‘Outstanding’ grading but we are certainly not complacent and will keep striving to provide the best service we possibly can for the people of County Durham.

Mr Marriott added: “We hope that this news will also mean that people coming to St Cuthbert’s will feel further reassured that we have been judged so favourably on whether we are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.”

The report on St Cuthbert’s Hospice can be seen on the CQC website.

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