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We can help you to get ‘Everything in Place’.

For most of us thinking about death and dying isn’t easy at all. Understandably we shy away from the topic and change the subject.

At St Cuthbert’s Hospice we launched our Everything in Place project to help make talking about death and our own future wishes as easy as possible. We want to help break the taboos that surround death and dying and support these conversations. If we don’t talk about these things with those close to us it can make it more difficult to cope for the dying and also for those who will be bereaved once the time comes. Getting Everything in Place now can make it all a little bit easier when the time comes.

The sessions make a difficult subject very accessible and topics are handled in a light-hearted way. I’d encourage anyone to come and don’t be worried about it. Everyone is in the same boat. It’s a great way to understand, and start to put things into action for the future.

Stephen, from Willington


The project aims to get people talking about physical, emotional, spiritual aspects, alongside practical issues like care plans and wills. Sessions are free to attend and delivered as a program or course. They are often held for groups of around eight people. It can be a comfort knowing you have the right documents prepared and we have an easy to follow workbook to help the discussions. Feedback from past participants is that the discussions are informative, accessible and light-hearted.

The pandemic has meant our face-to-face conversations have been paused for the time being, but in their place are newly developed online sessions to be delivered on Zoom.

If you would like to enquire about taking part in the sessions, online or in future face-to-face meetings at our Hospice hub when they can return, please email Project Lead Louise Johnson on